
Walking Aids recycle

Rachel Cottam
Rachel Cottam • 20 February 2024

Good morning

Are there any contacts on here that recycle their walking aids and report via NHS recycle scheme. I just have a question about how you record the number you are issuing?

Comments (10)

Louisa Thomson
Louisa Thomson

Hello Rachel - we are not at this stage, but have had some pleasing progress with local recycling centres who are now keen to collect any walking aids/equipment (rather than disposing as waste!). We are working out how to collect items from the various centres. It has taken a long time, but we feel we are heading in the right direction! Would be interested to hear more about the NHS recycle scheme. Thanks

Elke Small
Elke Small

Hi Rachel and Louisa - it wold be good to hear more about the NHS recycling scheme and what they do with the equipment . I work for a charity Belief in Action and we have been collecting equipment from contracts skipping it , some of it with only Minor repairs needed( such as replacing the brakes on outdoor walkers) and sending in lorry loads to an equipment loan store in Romania . This serves a community of underprivileged disabled population of adults and children who cannot get this equipment in any other way . People come from hundreds of miles to access it .
We have been doing this for the last 15 years . We also go out every 6 months to do training and assessments. It would be really good to join up all the good work people are doing to save on costs of transport and logistics.

Elke Small
Elke Small

Hi Nuala thank you for your comment ...Happy to send you something just wondered what course information on sustainable resource use you are referring to ( might be useful for us too !) . Can send you some articles about the equipment recycling work we do . ..but this is only one aspect of the projects we re involved with. The UK charity we work with is called Belief in Action and we partner with a Romanian registered charity called Hope Without Limits.

Jacqueline Gordon
Jacqueline Gordon

Also there's a presentation about this and hopefully discussion after at the Greener AHP week. Monday 22nd April 13-13:45 please all come along and share your experiences.. It seems like it should be such an easy thing to do but it's become SO complicated in my experience in Sussex ICB.

Rachel Cottam
Rachel Cottam

I agree it should be straight forward :) but its not been as easy as I thought it would be. We are nearly there now, working with the local council, ICB and NHSSC. I will see if I can attend the Greener AHP week

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