
Mens Mental Health - Men Walking & Talking

James  Warham
James Warham • 11 June 2024

"Men Walking and Talking run mental health walks, with the aim of bringing men together in a safe space to end the stigma around mens mental health by supporting each other.
Initially started in 2021 by Dan Reid in Telford, and having only one attendee on the first walk, it has now grown to 20 walks across 12 counties. In 2022, Men Walking and Talking became a Community Interest Corporation (CIC) and in November of 2023 we became organisational members of the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society (NCPS)."

Just a resource and a project that needs to pick up.  MWAT is a weekly walking group that covers online weekly discussion & group walking.
Please do share with colleagues who may be able to support and create more walks around the UK.

This is of a personal interest as I've benefitted from the group.

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