
"Simple changes to make the air cleaner" blog and Clean Air Calculator

Jennifer Nixon
Jennifer Nixon • 12 July 2024

A recent UKHACC bulletin signposted to this blog, and associated clean air calculator. I thought they might be useful to network members, both as individuals, and to sign-post patients and colleagues to, when discussing air pollution or lung health.

The blog (…) is to the point, and written in clear jargon-free language. I especially like the simple, practical, and achievable tips, such as; "Walk, wheel or cycle more, especially using the back streets away from polluting traffic. Use public transport. Fly less."

The clean air calculator ( is a fun and accessible way to understand our impact as individuals, and to look at which areas we need to address to make the biggest improvement. Again it includes specific practical actions to address each of the areas, and this time they are personalised according to your quiz responses. 

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