
Useful websites and organisations

Sheri Scott
Sheri Scott • 25 June 2022

Early this year, The Biologist published an article on lab sustainability - this article features four focussed projects for improving sustainable laboratory practice. Below I would like to share with you these key organisation:

1. LEAN - The Laboratory Efficiency Action Network,this is a network of individuals who use an online forum and resources page to share best practice. It is worth checking out their variety of resources which can be found on their LEAN website,

2.LEAF - the Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework - this is a guidance framework set up by UCL staff for improving sustainability in their laboratories. This initiative provides resources,  purchasing  tips and guides to sustainable lab consumables and practices.

3.  The Sustainable European Laboratories Network - a local network of sustainability teams and ‘green labs’ which advocate for sustainable research practices in Europe.

4.Lab Conscious - a blog and open resource designed to help reduce laboratory waste, improve the use of green chemistry, increase water conservation and energy savings in life sciences.

5. My Green Lab -  is a non-profit organisation who provides certification, education, resources and challenges to facilitate greener lab practice

These five organisations promote best practices and provide clinical and research laboratories tools to improve sustainability at a local level.

It may more difficult to practice sustainably in a clinical laboratory due to our regulation and quality assurance requirements, however the guidance and resources found on these sites can help foster innovative ideas for the clinical lab.


Sheri Scott


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