
Where to start?

Ka Yan Hess
Ka Yan Hess • 9 December 2019

Hi everyone

I have been a long time watcher of this lovely network. I have recently volunteered myself to be a sustainability lead to embed sustainability into our curriculum at a UK university that trains future occupational therapists at BSc and MSc level. 

Where do I start? Anyone else also in higher education for occupational therapy? Maybe a skype chat / telephone call? I would love to learn how it has been tackled by other OT educators please.

Many thanks,

Ka Yan

Comments (2)

Ben Whittaker
Ben Whittaker

Hello Ka Yan, 

It's great to hear that you've taken on this role!  Is this in response to the inclusion of sustainability in the RCOT learning and development standards? (I'll be posting about this separately in a moment)

You're welcome to join our occupational therapy education sustainability working group.  This includes other educators from UK universities with sustainability already incorporated into the curriculum in various ways depending on the type of programme. 

Drop me an email at and we can arrange a time to chat about this. 



Ka Yan Hess
Ka Yan Hess

Hi Ben

Thank you so much for your messages. I have email you to join the OT educator working group as a start. 

Yes excited to have taken on this role and yes in response to the RCOT standards. Hoping to learn for myself and be able to share it in a way that students can take on in my programme. 

Thank you

Ka Yan

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