
Preventive oriented primary healthcare Vs medical intervention

Tadesse Worku
Tadesse Worku • 4 May 2022

It is obvious the name "health" associated with clinical settings (hospitals, clinics, etc) which is dominated by medical interventions. The cost of some medication is rocket high and costs the NHS millions of pounds and drains resources from other sectors. Focusing on preventive oriented primary healthcare at local and national level is more important than ever. For example, one of the public health issues in the western countries especially in UK is obesity. This is a direct result of lifestyle such as sedentary way of life or lack of exercise. Deprived areas in different local authorities are victims of this 'pandemic' that can be preventable with low-cost investment in those areas. For example, beautification of parks and play grounds which are short-walking encourages residents to walk, exercise and refresh themselves which has a positive impact on their physical and mental health. Sustainable healthcare can be achieved in such deprived areas with a small investment than spending millions on medicines and medical intervention. 

Comments (1)

Lynn Sproat
Lynn Sproat


Agree with your post. Here in Scotland this also links to our:

Community Wealth Building and Shaping places for wellbeing Health boards in Scotland are working with local authorities to improve local economies and places, reduce health inequalities.

Part of shaping places for well being will look at the introduction of 20 minute towns i.e. replanning our towns and cities to ensure people can access all amenities they need for their daily lives without having to travel more than 20 minutes by foot, bike or public transport.

As part of the Ayrshire Growth Deal the Scottish Government has committed up to £3m to a CWB Fund for Ayrshire, to develop Scotland’s first regional approach to CWB. Our healthboard are in the process of implementing posts to support CWB.

We are also lucky that in Ayrshire Sustrans have funded posts for 2 Active Travel hubs for North and South Ayrshire. Sustrans Active Travel officers work to encourage walking and cycling within Ayrshire.



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