
The Carbon Footprints of Home and In-centre Maintenance Haemodialysis in the United Kingdom

Admin *
Admin * • 8 October 2021

This article by Andrew Connor, Robert Lillywhite and Matthew Cooke (2011), discusses the different carbon footprints associated to differing treatment modalities and regimes used to deliver maintenance haemodialysis (HD). In particular, they found the carbon footprint of HD was impacted more by frequency rather than duration of treatment. With home HD patients anticipated to dialyse more frequently and for longer than in-centre patients, a greater carbon footprint is expected despite reduced patient travel.

Connor A, Lillywhite R, Cooke MW. The Carbon Footprint of Home and In-Center Maintenance Hemodialysis in the United Kingdom. Hemodial. Int. 2011; 15(1): 39-51

Resource author(s)
Connor, A., LillyWhite, R., Cooke, M. W.
Resource publishing organisation(s) or journal
National Library of Medicine
Resource publication date
October 2021

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