Some good news for a change! A year on from the ULEZ expansion to outer london, roadside NO2 concentrations are at levels that are up to 4.8% lower than would have been expected without the…
Get involved!Please think about applying for a post, It is open for everyone no matter what your experience and level of qualification and…
Do you know how your trust/practice/area performs reversibility testing or post-bronchodilator spirometry? I knew the physiology lab at my trust used salbutamol metered-dose inhalers (MDIs), but had…
Hi All,Yesterday I attended a webinar organised by London Greener NHS Team, with the GLA, Energy Saving Trust and Mott MacDonald.The Mayor’s of London Zero Carbon Accelerator offers a range of support…
Interested in helping out the GreenED team with the upcoming accreditation cycle in April/May 2025? Check out the link on under 'Committee…
Hi all,The RPS will be officially launching the Greener pharmacy guides and toolkit in the next few months. We are currently looking for interested hospital and community pharmacy staff wishing to…
Are you working on sustainability projects that are helping deliver NHS Greener initiatives in the North of England?To celebrate the success and hard work of committed staff in the NHS, working alone…
As a Sustainable Kidney Education Fellow at the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare, I had the invaluable opportunity to participate in a meeting at the Renal Department in Northern General Hospital,…
“If you had the power to reduce the carbon footprint in your area of practice, what would you do? “If you are an Allied Health professional with ideas to reduce the environmental impact of your field…
Take just 10 minutes to complete this survey and contribute to important research supporting NHS green space initiatives. As a thank you, you can opt into a draw to win a £50 gift voucher!I am…