
Next walking aid reuse drop-in session - 9th May @ 12pm

Rebecca Griffiths
Rebecca Griffiths • 22 April 2022

As many of you will know, the net zero and sustainable procurement team has been working with NHS trusts across England on a range of walking-aid related pilot activities from expanding established schemes to improving data collection. With an increasing number of NHS organisations developing schemes, the drop-in sessions are the perfect opportunity to ask questions on setting up, expanding or overcoming barriers to running a successful walking-aid reuse scheme. We are running our second virtual drop-in session on walking aid return and reuse schemes, Monday 9th May 2022 12-1pm.

All documents link through to our PTOM hub, if you would like access to this, please contact:

Drop-in session details:

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • The content is flexible with plenty of time for Q&A. At the next event there will be a spotlight on our recently published carbon calculator for walking aids

Who are these drop-in sessions for?

All NHS staff who may be involved with a walking aid reuse scheme, e.g. allied health professionals, procurement colleagues, sustainability leads, operational managers, facilities or waste leads. We also welcome local authority colleagues linked to walking aid provision in social care settings.

Drop-in session MS Teams links:

Supporting documents:

If you would like to be sent an invite for the drop-in sessions or have any other questions, please contact:


Comments (3)

Susannah McWilliam
Susannah McWilliam

Hi Rebecca, thanks for posting information on the walking aid reuse event. Is it possible for those who can't access FutureNHS because they don't have an NHS email address (e.g. practitioners outside the UK) to access the useful resources that you have mentioned? Thanks, Susannah

Rebecca Griffiths
Rebecca Griffiths

Hi Susannah, apologies for taking a long time to come back to you on this. Unfortuantely we aren't able to upload any of our documents to public facing websites. That being said if you want to find out more about our available resources, we welcome you to contact our team on Thanks, Rebecca

Rebecca Griffiths
Rebecca Griffiths

Hi Susannah, that's a very good question, i'm not sure of the answer but let me check with our comms team and come back to you. 

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