
Next walking aid reuse drop-in session – Monday 18th July @ 12pm NHS and Walking Aids Return and Reuse Planning Pack

Yohannah Caussyram
Yohannah Caussyram • 12 July 2022

To date we have held several drop-in sessions to raise awareness with NHS staff/therapists of the business case for returns and reuse and how to establish a scheme or enhance and existing scheme. More recently we have started running sessions to support staff to consider how to kickstart an increase in returns through national alignment of local returns campaigns. By linking up to National Recycle Week in September we hope to create more momentum and awareness around the offer.

Our next drop-in session on July 18th aims to have a local partnerships focus, and we'd welcome local authority partners joining - please email for invite details.

All documents link through to our Futures NHS hub, if you would like access to this, please contact:

NHS Walking Aids Return and Reuse Planning Pack

NHSE have launched a planning pack to support NHS organisations and key partners to set up and promote return and reuse schemes for walking aids during WRAP’s national Recycle Week in 19 – 25 September 2022. This is a fantastic opportunity for trusts to launch schemes or boost existing activity in support of the NHS target to achieve a 40% return rate of walking aids (walking sticks, crutches, frames) over the next 5 years, which will help the NHS save 4,900 tonnes of carbon.

We are providing trusts with support materials to plan and promote local return and reuse schemes including a checklist for event preparation, a reporting and monitoring tool to measure success, and FAQs that address common issues. 

Who are these drop-in sessions for?

All NHS staff who may be involved with a walking aid reuse scheme, e.g. allied health professionals, procurement colleagues, sustainability leads, operational managers, facilities, or waste leads. We also welcome local authority colleagues linked to walking aid provision in social care settings.

Drop-in session MS Teams links:

We'll take you through the planning pack and how to engage with local partners to increase returns. The first session will be held on 18 July with a partnership focus, then 15 August and our session on 5 September will focus on Communications and measuring success.

Supporting documents:

If you would like to be sent an invite for the drop-in sessions or have any other questions, please contact:


#greenernhs #sustainableprocurement #ahp #walkingaids #physiotherpay #occupationaltherapy #ed

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