
In response to Ka Yan's question on Evaluation resources

Alice Clack
Alice Clack • 18 October 2022

Hi Ka Yan,

Thank you for your question and your work in this area.

I am working with the CSH as a fellow in the Sustainable Quality Improvement (SusQI)  education team and will ask our team if there are any specific resources they can recommend to you. In the meantime these came to mind and may be helpful:

Sustainability in quality improvement: measuring impact Mortimer F, Isherwood J, Pearce M, Kenward C, Vaux E. Future Healthcare Journal, 2018 Vol.5(2):94-97

“Concrete ways we can make a difference”: A multi-centre, multi-professional evaluation of sustainability in quality improvement, Spooner R, Parslow-Williams S, Mortmer F and Leedham Green K. Medical Teacher, 2022, Vol 44(10)

The CSH has also developed a self-assessment tool for educators to assess their competency in delivering SusQI education - this is available on our website along with other open-source materials to support SusQI educators. 

The above are focused on evaluation of SusQI and I will ask the team if they have any further leads for you around broader sustainability and health education evaluation. 

Do feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions or problems with the above - and let us know how you get on with your project. We are very keen to integrate SusQI across all healthcare education.



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