
Mapping the CO2 footprint of a Pathology Test

Andrew Turner
Andrew Turner • 21 October 2022

HI all, we have been working with some of the NHS Pathology Networks and developed a Specimen Quality and Transport Dashboard, this includes a carbon footprint section that provides a set of measures looking at the CO2 footprint for a pathology test across its whole journey from the use of consumables pre-test, ordering, transport, processing and rejections. We will aim to share some model data over the coming weeks, however in the meantime if you would like to discuss the models, please drop Robert or Andrew a message. or




Comments (2)

Susannah McWilliam
Susannah McWilliam

Hi Andrew - thanks for sharing. I've also shared your post onto the Carbon Footprinitng for Healthcare Network as it will be of interest to those members too. All the best, Susannah

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