
Do you have an interest in being a Sustainability Champion for your Unit?

Susannah McWilliam
Susannah McWilliam • 24 October 2022

The UKKA’s new Sustainability Committee is looking for a Sustainability Champion in each renal unit across UK – are you someone with an interest in how our kidney care is contributing to climate change and what we can do to reach net zero? Could it be you?

 Any member of the kidney care multi-disciplinary team can put themselves forward to be their unit’s Sustainability Champion. No previous experience is required for this voluntary role.

 What does the role involve, and what support is offered?

  • The role supports the two-way exchange of good practice examples between champions via the UKKA website and the CSH Kidney Care Sustainability Network
  • The champion would need to have access to an email address and be able to act as a point of communication between the UKKA committee and kidney care units
  • Champions will be offered the opportunity to attend an on-line environmental session at one of UKKA’s major meetings
  • You can access extra advice and resources hosted at the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare and through the CSH Kidney Care Sustainability Network

 The UKKA committee has written out to all Clinical Directors asking for nominations, so please make contact with your director to find out more and express an interest.

 Please also  forward this information to anyone you feel may be interested.

On behalf of the Action Learning and Education subgroup, UKKA Sustainability Committee

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