
Critical Care Susnet Sharing Hour - 15 Nov 2022 - education theme

Heather Baid
Heather Baid • 1 November 2022
Tuesday, November 15, 2022 - 15:00 - 16:00

The Critical Care Susnet Sharing Hour is hosted by the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare, British Association of Critical Care Nurses and Intensive Care Society.

It is an opportunity to share ideas, ask questions and hear about developments related to environmental sustainability in critical care.

The bimonthly online Sharing Hours are free and open to anyone interested in improving the sustainability of critical care practice, including all disciplines and roles. 

15 Nov 2022 Sharing Hour:

Theme - sustainability education in critical care

Facilitator - Rosie Cervera-Jackson, Lead Nurse Critical Care Education and Development, Royal Brompton Hospital

Rosie will facilitate questions and discussion with:

Imogen and Heather will share thoughts, experiences and ideas for the future on including sustainability in the initial education and ongoing continuing professional development for clinicians working in critical care.  There will also be time for group discussion to explore together the role of education in promoting sustainability in ICUs.

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