
Reusable Tourniquets for cannulation and phlebotomy

Elizabeth Fitzhugh
Elizabeth Fitzhugh • 16 January 2023

Hi there,

 Has anyone who has been trialling the reusable and cleanable tourniquets that are out there, able to share with me an IPC risk assesment that they have completed to get IPC approval?

Any help will be gratefully recieved.

Liz Fitzhugh

Comments (2)

Katie Percival
Katie Percival

I am a little sceptical of the environmental savings of using a cleanable tourniquet - where I work I imagine most folk would use a large Clinell wipe impregnated with disinfectant, which I imagine might have a similar or worse environmental impact than a disposable tourniquet. I wonder whether the way to go might be with either fully recyclable or biodegradable tourniquets, or a system where one patient has the same tourniquet throughout their hospital stay?

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