
Are you ready for the Government's single-use plastic ban? NHS Reusable Catering Consumables Guide is out now!

Yohannah Caussyram
Yohannah Caussyram • 17 January 2023

It is estimated that England uses 2.7 billion items of single-use cutlery — most of which are plastic — and 721 million single-use plates per year, but only 10% are recycled. A range of polluting single-use plastics (including plastic cutlery, plates and polystyrene trays) will be banned from October 2023 following the Government's consultation.  

Did you know that a switch from single-use inpatient meal sets to a reusable service could save the average NHS hospital 50-100 tonnes CO2e a year, equivalent to around 185,000 car miles, and £30k a year? It is important to ensure the NHS system is well equipped with the upcoming Defra single use plastics ban. NHS England have launched our highly anticipated practical how-to guide for catering consumables for the NHS system, highlighting the carbon and financial savings to using reusable alternatives, key steps to making the change and the alternatives available to reach a net zero NHS. 

The content of the catering consumables how-to guide is aimed at switching to reusable options and single use plastic alternatives if reusables is not possible. It includes:  

  • Steps on how to switch to reusable catering consumables, including guidance of how to do so via the NHS Supply Chain catalogue; 

  • Steps on how to switch to single-use catering plastic alternatives;  

  • Guidance and case studies on what reusable and alternative catering consumables are available;  

  • Case studies from Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; and 

  • A workflow map for NHS organisations to use when considering which option to pick. 

Read the catering consumables how-to guide now via the CCF Hub (only available for NHS staff). Please email if you have difficulty accessing Futures.  

Contact: if you have any queries.

Comments (1)

Noleen  Hopkin
Noleen Hopkin

We are just on the cusp of moving away form plastic cutlery and seeking suitable alternatives. As we are a mental health hospital, it has to meet the needs of the hospital and not have the potential to be used a weapon.

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