
Critical Care Susnet Sharing Hour - 6 Feb 2023 - free online

Heather Baid
Heather Baid • 5 February 2023

Critical Care Susnet Sharing Hour

6 Feb 2023 3pm-4pm GMT

Zoom registration -

Theme - Measuring impact of environmental sustainability projects in critical care

Speaker 1 - Steph Ireland, ICU nurse Royal Brompton Hospital, London

Speaker 2 - Richard Hixson, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Critical Care Medicine at Country Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust and co-founder of Healthcare Ocean

Discussion - questions, comments and sharing ideas/experiences

Facilitator - Heather Baid, University of Brighton

The Critical Care Susnet Sharing Hour is hosted by the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare, British Association of Critical Care Nurses and Intensive Care Society. This free event is an opportunity to exchange ideas, ask questions and hear about developments related to environmental sustainability in critical care. 

All welcome, and please tell others!  Open to people from any role or discipline.

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