
ChangeNOW 2023 at Paris - AWorld Sustainability App

Aditi Jayaram
Aditi Jayaram • 1 June 2023

The ChangeNOW summit is a three day summit that took place in Paris from May 25th-27th. It show cased solutions in sustainability by bringing together impactful change makers who are tackling our planet's biggest climate related challenges. Themes ranged from the circular economy to health to fashion to inclusion to corporate responsibility to education. 

At the changing habits section, one booth was by AWorld Sustainability App | Your Guide to Living Sustainably, the official platform in support of ACTNOW, the United Nations campaign for individual action on climate change and sustainability. The app takes a Measure-Learn-Take Action approach. It gives one the opportunity to measure their carbon footprint, learn about the UN SDGs, sustainability and ways to reduce emissions and discover the most effective ways as an individual one can take action to fight climate change. 

It gives one the chance to pick sustainability goals that resonates with a person's values and consider ways in which to hold ourselves accountable. 



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