
Job Opportunity: Research Fellow in Mixed Methods

Raquel Nunes
Raquel Nunes • 14 June 2023

We are looking to appoint a highly motivated individual, interested in health services research and climate change, and excited about the opportunity to undertake impactful research aimed at informing the NHS Net Zero Strategy.

You will work for 30 months, commencing as soon as possible on the NIHR-funded GPNET-0 study (‘Implementation of decarbonisation actions in General Practice to help achieve a net zero NHS. A mixed methods study of institutional, organisational, professional, and patient factors’). Please see GPNET-0 webpage.

You will be ambitious, hard-working, well organised with experience of mixed methods research. There will be considerable opportunity to develop your research skills and interests in the context of this study. You will work closely with the study leads Dr Nunes and Professor Dale and with other project investigators based across England.

You will be a key member of the GPNET-0 research team. You will conduct to literature searches to identify background literature and summarise relevant findings. You will collect, manage and analyse quantitative and qualitative data, check the accuracy of interview transcriptions and conduct initial and follow-up analysis as needed. You will contribute to the drafting of research outputs, including stakeholder briefings and reporting of the qualitative and quantitative results in both peer-reviewed papers and the final project report. You will be involved in the wider dissemination of the project findings, will have the opportunity to present at meetings and conferences, and to contribute to journal articles and other research outputs.

You must have completed or be close to completing a doctoral degree in health sciences, environmental science, social science or other relevant discipline. Some familiarity and experience with quantitative and qualitative research methods is required. This is a strongly interdisciplinary project, and an ideal applicant would have a strong background in health sciences as well as a proven affinity with environmental science, or vice versa.

To find out more or arrange an informal conversation about the role, please contact Dr Raquel Nunes ( and Professor Jeremy Dale (

Apply here: University of Warwick Job Search: Research Fellow (Mixed Methods) (107381-0623) (

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