
A University of Reading and RCSLT collaboration for a sustainable future in speech and language therapy.

David Bland
David Bland • 21 June 2023

Hi Kerry and myself wanted to introduce ourselves. We are speech and language therapy students.

We are working on an undergraduate research project about sustainability in speech and language therapy. The project is in the early stages, we are currently doing some background research. We are gauging what is already being done by the profession but also identifying key areas that can be improved to become a more sustainable profession.

We would love to know your thoughts about this.

Some of our questions are:

  • What sustainability initiatives have you come across in SLT so far?
  • What barriers to progress have you encountered?
  • Is there anything you would like to see from the RCSLT moving forward?
  • What key areas do you feel need to be the focus in SLT?


Thank you for you help!

David Bland and Kerry Cavanagh. SLT students at the University of Reading: Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) "A University of Reading and RCSLT collaboration for a sustainable future in speech and language therapy.".

Comments (4)

Sivan  Coleman
Sivan Coleman

Hi David and Kerry - this looks really exciting! Do you want responses shared below or emailed to you privately?
FYI Our next SLT Susnet meeting is on Wed 28/6/23 -please come along :)

Kerry Cavanagh
Kerry Cavanagh

Hi Sivan I will be attending the first half hour on Wednesday (after that I can stay listening but will be picking my son up from cubs :) ) Happy to share more about our project then.

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