
Sustainability in Quality Improvement Education - CSH SusQI Showcase case presentations now available

Alice Clack
Alice Clack • 7 August 2023

Please have a look at these four great presentations, which showcase how sustainability is being/has been integrated into quality improvement education in various settings. A synopsis of each talk and the you tube links are included below. For more SusQI educational case studies please search the networks platform, or see the links on this web-page.

SusQI Showcase Session 1 - Sustainability in Quality Improvement Education - Please scroll down to see a synopsis and links for all four talks, each of which is 8-10 minutes long.

Mr Iain Bestford, Project director Newcastle Improvement: Integrating Sustainability into Quality Improvement at Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. 

  • In June 2019 Newcastle’s NHS Hospitals Trust was the first healthcare organisation in the world to declare a climate emergency 

  • Part of this strategy is to increase the proportion of QI projects that include sustainability metrics in their outcome measurement to 20% by March 2024.  

  • To support success in this project Trust QI training has been brought in-house and Newcastle Improvement have worked with the CSH to review existing materials and implement a strategy to integrate SusQI,  

  • As a result environmental sustainability and health inequalities have been added as key outcome domains for QI and audit in the trust.  

  • Feedback indicates that staff feel empowered to highlight project ideas that focus on sustainability, and that the new approach has expanded the reach of traditional QI projects.  

Dr Jocelyn Cornish, Deputy Head Adult Nursing | Senior Lecturer in Nursing Education: Integrating sustainability into quality improvement education within the faculty curricula at King's College London Kings College 

  • King's College London has worked with the CSH between 2021-24 to integrate SusQI into the nursing, midwifery and palliative care curricula. 

  • A SusQI workshop is now delivered in 12 programmes and receives positive feedback from students.  

  • KCL has been awarded Established Beacon Site status by the CSH 

  • Key factors in the success of this project include the support received from the CSH and alignment of the project with the university's climate and sustainability strategic objectives. 

  • Projects completed by postgraduate students have resulted in measurable financial, clinical and sustainability improvements.  

Dr Jenny Girdler, Leadership Fellow in NetZero/Sustainable Dentistry: Integrating sustainability into NHS England, Yorkshire and Humber Dental Core Training 

  • Dentistry is responsible for 3% of the NHS’s carbon emissions, and until this project had no embedded sustainability training. Building sustainability into Dental Core Training therefore became a key priority. 

  • The course pre-reading utilises the CSH’s open-source education pack contents, and the sustainability in QI teaching content is delivered in three parts: 1) Educational workshops, 2) Project development sessions, and the 3) Project presentation day. 

  • Example projects are outlined in this presentation.  

  • Testimonials indicate that  trainees felt empowered through this content to initiate sustainable change in their workplace.  

David Maxwell, Professional lead at NHS Education for Scotland: Integrating sustainability into Quality Improvement Education in Scotland 

  • The QI team is part of NHS Education for Scotland and have a remit for providing quality improvement training to a wide range of services including health care, social care and other public services e.g. policing and education 

  • The ‘QI Zone’ developed by the team contains tools, resources and information on QI programmes with examples of case studies undertaken. The team believes that real life examples will persuade more people to take up sustainable QI projects. 

  • Another important tool provided offers support to develop QI charts and graphs (e.g. fish-bone diagrams), and this has been adapted to incorporate sustainability concepts.  

  • A model they use is the ‘Quality Improvement Journey’ and for each step, they give  ideas for what you can do. Broad categories include developing aims, testing changes, leadership and  communication amongst others. 

  • Future plans include adapting the current ‘Quality Improvement Journey’ resources provided, to include sustainability concepts.  

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