
Say Hi to your fellow Co-leads!

Rachael Ward
Rachael Ward • 21 August 2023

Hi all!

Welcome to your closed group, created for all co-leads across the CSH Networks Platform. Use this space to come together and share resources, ideas, what is and isn't working, tips, Q&As and collaboration opportunities. 

Please create a post introducing yourself to the rest of the co-lead community, explaining why you volunteered to co-lead, which network you co-lead, your profession, a key goal you'd like to achieve whilst co-leading and anything else you'd like to share.

Many thanks and looking forward to seeing this space grow!


CSH Networks Lead

Comments (12)

Karen Hartley
Karen Hartley

Hi everyone, I've just signed up to be a co-lead of a Education network. My clinical registration is in Nursing where I've worked for a lot of years in community nursing as a District Nurse before moving into Education. I'm a registered Teacher with the NMC and have worked in HEI's, practice settings and lately at the ICB leading the strategic development of education across health and care. The environment and sustainable solutions have formed part of my world for as long as I can remember! When I'm not earning a living I'm hanging out with my 4 cats, or fish, or in yoga practice. I'm a trained yoga teacher, mindfulness coach and lover of all things natural.

Jim Davey-Hewins
Jim Davey-Hewins

Hello, I’m one of the co-leads of the Music Therapy Susnet, which we’re hoping to soon expand to the Art, Drama and Music Therapy Susnet. I’m a music therapist and am very keen to engage our profession in how we can play a role in sustainable healthcare. I’d love to get our professional body BAMT more engaged in this topic, so we can hopefully have more of an influence over what we can do differently as music therapists.

Kate Crossland
Kate Crossland

Hello! I'm one of the co-leads for Palliative Care SusNet. I volunteered as I've done a fair bit of green activism in personal life but felt like it was missing from work life. I'm a doctor working in community palliative care.
A key goal at the moment is to get some more co-leads!
I've also stood for election for the Green Party (and will again) so happy to talk Green politics to anyone who is interested.....

Sheeba Kunjukrishnan Retnabai
Sheeba Kunjukrishnan Retnabai

Hi dear all good morning and greetings of the day. I am one of the new co-leads in the Educational Network. I am an OBGYN and a clinical teacher. I have done Masters in Health Professions Education and a FAIMER Fellowship in leadership and interprofessional education. I am an ambassador of Climate Change and Sustainability and strongly believe in educating an interprofessional group of health professions education students to bring in changes in the decarbonisation of healthcare industry and also act as change agents and will educate the community members. The voice of the Doctors and Nurses the community trust.
My dream is to have a strong and committed team of virtual educational co-leads who will take this mission further.

Simon Gibbons
Simon Gibbons

Hello, I am one of the co-leads in the Food and Nutrition Susnet. After many years leading a digestive diseases research group in the USA, I made a career pivot towards working on the environments that drive dietary practices. My motivation for this was the recognition that diverse, sustainable healthy diets can significantly improve quality of life, support biodiversity in the natural environment, and reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases on society and the health system. I am particularly interested in how policy can change food environments that do not support healthy, sustainable dietary choices. I took up the co-lead role to support the discussion on developing practical and just policy recommendations for the NHS in what is a very broad field with some competing and contested choices being actively debated.

Laura-Jane Smith
Laura-Jane Smith

Hi all, I'm a co-lead on both the Food & Nutrition and Respiratory SusNets. I'm linked to a number of other organisations including British Thoracic Society, Plantbased Healthcare Professionals UK, Medact and Patients not Passports, all of which are relevant to promoting sustainable solutions to our huge public health problems! I'm keen to grow our networks, facilitate learning from each other and empower people to act in their own workplaces and lives!

Sheeba Kunjukrishnan Retnabai
Sheeba Kunjukrishnan Retnabai

Hi dear Miss Laura-Jane Smith, so happy to know you and the work you are involved in. I am from India and we mostly take only plant based diet mostly grown in our own kitchen garden of course not in urban areas. Looking forward to learn about, from and with you. Thanks and regards

Sheeba Kunjukrishnan Retnabai
Sheeba Kunjukrishnan Retnabai

Good morning Mr Jim Davey-Hewins
So happy to know you and to read about you part in the Music Therapy Sunset Network. I am very much interested in the topic and believe in the use of art, music and drama as an educational pedagogy in health professions education. Kindly consider me in to work with you and your team.

Vanessa Coelho
Vanessa Coelho

Hi all, I'm one of the new co-leads on the Education network. I am an adult nurse by background and a Lecturer in Nursing Education at a HEI. I am passionate about sustainability, especially imprinting good practice. I have been vegan for several years, which started due to animal cruelty and led me into the realms of environmental sustainability. I am always eager to learn and pass on the message, to really make a difference and leave this world a better place. I am keen to support and grow with the network and continue to embed good sustainability practices into education so we can better prepare our future students, to become the green compassionate leaders of tomorrow.

Sheeba Kunjukrishnan Retnabai
Sheeba Kunjukrishnan Retnabai

Hi dear Vanessa, great to read about you and look forward to collaborate and work together as an IPE team in Educational Division. Me too believe in "One Health" and this earth belongs to all of us the animals and the vegetation too.

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