
Manual to implement SDG into medical lectures

Grégoire Wieërs
Grégoire Wieërs • 24 September 2023

Dear Colleagues,


Our department is currently undertaking an initiative to integrate the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into our medical teaching curriculum. As part of this effort, we are considering the development of a manual aimed at assisting lecturers in the incorporation of SDG-related concepts into their lectures. 

Before proceeding further, I would like to inquire whether similar resources or manuals already exist within the framework of the other medical education system. We believe that collaboration and the sharing of knowledge and best practices are essential in achieving our common goal of promoting sustainability and global health awareness in medical education. 

If such resources are available, I would greatly appreciate your guidance and recommendations regarding their use. However, if the need for a new manual is identified, we would like to extend an invitation to you to participate in this collaborative project. Your expertise and insights would be invaluable in ensuring the effectiveness of our efforts. 

Thank you for taking the time to consider my question and need of support. We look forward to your response and the possibility of working together to advance our shared commitment to sustainable medical education. 



Comments (5)

Ned Powell
Ned Powell

Hi Greg,
This is Ned Powell at Cardiff Uni Med School in the UK. You may be aware of the Curriculum for Sustainable Healthcare produced by SanYuMay Tun et al. and the UK Medical Schools Council -…
This might be relevant but it isn't focussed specifically on the SDG. My Uni has also asked that we incorporate the SDGs across all degree programmes so I'd also be very interested to learn how others have addressed this.
BW, Ned.

Grégoire Wieërs
Grégoire Wieërs

Hello Ned,

I greatly appreciate your sharing the work of San Yu May Tun, which I wasn't aware of. I would be delighted to share the draft I've prepared once I've translated it into English (should be done within the end of the next week).

Kind regards,


Jessie Frost
Jessie Frost

Hi Greg,

Whilst not strictly focused on implementation of the SDGs per se, you are no doubt aware of the work the Planetary Health Report card team are doing in this space

I am currently authoring a curricula guidance document for the incorporation of sustainable healthcare within all pre-registration AHP courses (including SDGs) and examples of where this has been done successfully, which will be available on the Council of Deans website from mid October.

There are several frameworks and resources that have been reviewed in the development of this guidance document, including San Yu May's as mentioned above, which will be included in the reference list but feel free to reach out in the interim if it would be useful and I can send across on an email.

Chief Sustainability Officer's Clinical Fellow and Chartered Physiotherapist

Grégoire Wieërs
Grégoire Wieërs

I greatly appreciate your feedback, and I will keep a close eye on the Council of Deans' website to stay updated on this matter.
Many thanks

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