
Challenges faced in improving internal air quality

Chris Birch
Chris Birch • 15 February 2024

Looking for thoughts/suggestions on challenges faced within a hospital site for improving air quality internally which cannot be solved by changing clinical practice...

Comments (2)

James  Warham
James Warham

Off the top of my head. Internal gardens, depending on the layout of the site.
Telford has redeveloped its internal 'courtyard spaces' to create gardens for staff & visitors and these are well used.
Ensuring that future developments are not 'car dependent' and sufficient transport/visits to the site do have strong transport links.
I can give the example of Telford hospital that IS almost entirely car, dependent despite the councils implementation of 2 new bus services in 2023. On clinic days it can take patients well over 10 minutes trying to find a parking space, and cars are often on grass verges etc.

We can only hope for the massive paradigm shift to achieve the latter.
The on site NHS forest is a start.

Chris Birch
Chris Birch

Hi James,
Thanks for this the challenge of keeping poor external air out of the hospital, green barriers can certainly help but keeping us out of our cars is the bigger challenge. 10 minutes to find a parking stage is quick compared to some other hospitals :-) Digital outpatient appointments would help I know an ICS where their patients could travel to Venus and back with the mileage they accumulate attending OP clinics in just ONE year!

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