
Is Penthrox worth considering as an alternative option to Entonox in UK Pre-Hosp Care?

Alex Diffley
Alex Diffley • 1 December 2022

Sometime I feel Entonox is taking over my life! I have spent alot of time over the last year exploring the envirnoment harm it can cause and given pre-hospital care, particularly ambulance based care's reliance on it as a fast-acting analgesic have been exploring what can be done to consider changes to practice.

Penthrox is 1 such option - this study shows good efficancy as an analgesic - so great for our patients, but the authors main concerns are around costs, little around the envirnomental factors has been considered. Any other views?

I am currently working with my Trust to collect better data regarding our current use of Entonox, along some QI iniatatives to reduce waste. I am also aware of some interesting in hospital trial around collecting exhaled NOO gas for safer disposal - I wonder if that will ever be possible from the back of an ambulance?

Resource publication date
July 2022

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