
Mapping Greener Healthcare Expands

Ingeborg Steinbach
Ingeborg Steinbach • 22 March 2010

'Mapping Greener Healthcare' has entered an exciting new phase. The London NHS Travel Network has joined the online tool recently to chart their sustainable travel intiatives, raise awareness about their existence, share best practice and support the development of resources.

Mapping Greener Healthcare has been created in 2008 when the South East Public Health Advisory Group and the two Regional Directors of Public Health commissioned The Campaign for Greener Healthcare to map sustainable activity amongst NHS Trusts in the South East. At the end of the first phase nearly 50% of Trusts had entered 47 case studies. Since then a couple of Trusts have continued to populate the website, with the South East Coast Ambulance Service being the most actively involved.

We are very much looking forward to seeing the online database being expanded by the London NHS Travel network. Their case studies in sustainable travel will not only benefit the London region, but any other region in the UK.

The inclusion of the Network on the mapping website also offered the opportunity to improve the functionality of the website. Individuals will now be able to view case studies according to key area of sustainable development and/ or region, making the search for relevant projects much more straightforward.

If your region would like to get involved in the mapping project please contact:

If you would like to look at the website please click:


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