
Royal College of Nursing Congress votes 'yes' to lobbying UK governments on climate change

Admin *
Admin * • 24 June 2015

It's been a week of building pressure on climate and health, topped and tailed by action by the RCN. Last Tuesday I met with other nurses who care about climate change at the RCN's headquarters to talk through the steps the College could be taking on climate change.  Following the meeting we all (including those from the RCN) trooped down to Parliament to join in with doctors and a range of other professions and constituents to speak dirrectly to our MPs as part of the Climate Coalition's mass lobby.  Then yesterday saw the launch of the UCL/Lancet Commission on Health and Climate Change's 'Policy responses to protect public health' quickly followed up by today's vote at the RCN Congress. 

The RCN is the professional body for the nursing profession and representing over 42,000 nurses, midwives, healthcare support workers and students. The motion was forwarded by the RCN Welsh Board and 94% of Congress deligates voted in favour.  This decisive mandate will lead to action in all of the RCN parliamentary teams across the UK.  It's a really exciting leap forward for the profession and further acknowledgement that the health impacts of climate change need to be understood and acted upon today.

The debate is available online at:

Those interested in remaining up-to-date on nursing and sustainable healthcare are welcome to email me and/or follow @greennurse.


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