
First Climate Connection regional launch!

Frances Mortimer
Frances Mortimer • 2 March 2009

The South West became the first region to launch its Climate Connection activities – at a regional event entitled “Next Steps”, held in Bristol on Friday.

At the workshop (run by Muir Gray and Frances Mortimer - wearing their Climate Connection hats), Directors of Public Health were joined by participants from across the whole health community to celebrate and support the good work already initiated in the region, and identify next steps for embedding climate change in mainstream public health.

Regional Director of Public Health, Gabriel Scally, opened the programme, reinforcing the high priority given to climate change and sustainable development at the Strategic Health Authority. Energies were then focused on the key areas of public health education, obesity, food, and health service commissioning.

Delegates heard about linking of carbon reduction with physical activity in South Somerset, and Food Standards Agency plans to integrate sustainability into environmental health and food safety programmes. Many of those attending brought with them posters showing examples from their own work in education, climate resilience, PCT management and more.

There was fantastic energy and commitment evident from all present, and it was clear that this was the beginning of a new era of joined up action on climate change mitigation and adaptation- and health.

Meeting notes and slide presentations are being made available via The Climate Connection site -… .


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