
Carbon reduction to be embedded into NHS London

Site Administrator Agile
Site Administrator Agile • 13 January 2010

In a letter to all London Trusts Ruth Carnall, CEO NHS London, requires carbon reduction to be embedded into how they plan and operate.  The letter significantly raises the profile of carbon reduction in NHS London with three main requirements:

  • All capital investment business cases must include environmental impact assessments that address carbon reduction;
  • All trusts and PCTs must have a board-approved environmental strategy that monitors, manages and reduces carbon by March 2010; and
  • All Trusts and PCTs must have designated carbon reduction leads
    at board and officer level.

In addition it is hoped that trusts and PCTs sign up to the revised Good Corporate Citizenship programme, the Carbon Trust’s Carbon Management Scheme and take advantage of interest-free Salix loans.

Trusts will be supported by a team from the NHS London Estates Division and the Regional Public Health Group.

To see the letter click here


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