
10:10 Monthly Theme for June - Saving Energy

Site Administrator Agile
Site Administrator Agile • 28 May 2010

Saving energy in the form of electricity, gas and oil is at the heart of the 10:10 commitment and can  result in significant financial savings.

On a personal level I have increased our loft insulation to about 250mm, installed high spec timber double glazing and we had cavity wall insulation installed in early June (see photo) which will hopefully make a big difference to our heating bills.  For healthcare organisations, help is on hand from a variety of sources.

Carbon Trust

If your energy spend is over £50,000 pa you can get a free Carbon Survey from the Carbon Trust - this will identify immediate savings.  For a more strategic approach you could take a look at the Carbon Trust Carbon Management Programme.

Marginal Abatement Cost Curves

The SDU have prepared a really useful MAC Curve report that can help you consider the relative priorities of measures to save carbon and money.  It includes possible options for five categories:

  • Small/Medium Acute Trusts;
  • Large Acute Trusts;
  • Non Acute Trusts & PCTs;
  • Ambulance Trusts; and
  • NHS Wide.

With the exception of the measures listed for Ambulance Trusts many of them overlap between the categories.  The one measure that is common to them all, including Ambulance Trusts, with significant savings of money and carbon is the Energy Awarness Campaign.  This is one of the few measures that does not require significant capital investment.  I believe the branding and messaging offered by 10:10 is perfect for such a campaign - do make sure you communications colleagues are aware of all the 10:10 resources here.

Salix Finance

In the past Salix has provided interest free funding to accelerate investment in energy efficiency technologies across the UK public sector.  They don't currently have any funding - check their website in due course for updates:

UCLH - Blog by Trevor Payne, Director of Estates & Facilities

Trevor has written up the impressive measures UCLH are taking to save energy - for more details click here.

NHS Bristol Case Study

NHS Bristol have shared with us their updated 3 year energy and carbon reduction plan for their 24 buildings where savings of in excess of  £300,000 are predicted over the three year life of the plan.  The plan is broken down into four sections as follows:

Section 1: Terms of reference for targets and ‘benchmarking’
Section 2: Analysis of opportunities for improvements
Section 3: Cost and benefit analysis forecast
Section 4: On going monitoring and review and the future

To see a copy of the plan click here.

CBG Consultants have been assisting with NHS Bristol, in particular they have:

  • helped the PCT deliver their Energy Awareness Campaign;
  • provided training for building occupiers;
  • delivered site energy feasibility reports; and
  • designed Mechanical and Electrical upgrades.

I hope you find these resources useful  - do let me know if you have suggestions for additional items to add to this list.