
Invitation to participate in walking aid repair/reuse/recycling study

Lesley Davidson
Lesley Davidson • 10 May 2023

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are writing to ask for your help with our research study which aims to gain insights into reusing, recycling and loss of mobility aids such as walking frames and walking sticks. We would like to recruit participants with experience regarding the different stages of the life cycle of mobility aids from prescription to repair or loss, for example:

  • people working in the mobility aid industry (e.g. in design, manufacturing, refurbishment or mobility stores that supply mobility aids or organizations engaged in recycling them)
  • associated healthcare professionals that prescribe mobility aids and assess users (e.g. physiotherapists or occupational therapists)
  • individuals working for charities or other organizations that support people that use mobility aids. 

We are looking for people from these and similar backgrounds to take part in an interview and/or a focus group to share their views regarding re-using, recycling and loss of mobility aids. There is no pressure at all for you to help us with this study, and you are free to say no.  However, by taking part yourself, or through helping us with the recruitment of suitable individuals for our research, we will be able to improve current understanding of the life cycle of mobility aids, with a view to longer-term support the NHS Commitment to Planetary Health and sustainability. 

If you wish to take part, please read the attached Participant Information Leaflet and if you are still interested after 24 hours contact the research team ( 

If you wish to support participant recruitment for our study, we simply ask you to identify potential participants with a relevant background who may be eligible to take part in our research, and to give them the attached Participant Information Sheet.

We are grateful for any support you may be able to provide and are happy to answer any further questions you may have [email:, phone: 0161-2952679]. If you would like any more information, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Yours sincerely,

Lesley Davidson
