I am planning to change our laboratory to capillary electrophoresis from gel electrophoresis. Are any members aware of an assessment of the impact of this change on the environmental footprint? I…
Dear All,
Here is the access information for these new FREE curricula resources - please read on:
The Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgowhas been working to address climate…
Hi All
Just wanted to draw your attention to a newly published study linking lab sustainability, carbon emissions and sample error rates.
I hope to see more studies like this in the…
A chance to chat with other interested podiatrists about sustainability in podiatry practice and in general. Please come and link up with like minded colleagues
Thu, 28 Sep 2023 19:00 - 20:00,…
Pathology testing underpins all of healthcare. All patients are tested; from swabs to diagnose COVID, to bloods in community to monitor diabetes, and tests to diagnose the acutely unwell in ED and…
Hello fellow Podiatrists - i just wondered if anyone out there was looking for or had any solutions around the use of alternative materials to EVA or recycling of EVA? I have had a look at recycling…
This is a new inititative - introducing the use of Indexor into Pathology Sample Reception for GP (Primary Care) activity. It's great at fast tracking blood samples throught the laboratory using ICE…
In March 2023, the NHS Estates team published an updated Clinical Waste Strategy document that outlined strategic guidelines for trusts to follow to lower the carbon footprint associated with…
This is a placeholder for a proposed virtual meeting to kickstart a podiatry sustainability network group to meet and discuss sustainability and best practice, innovation, etc.
June 6th @ 4…