I was really inspired by the Greener AHP week webinars. I work in an acute mental health unit for working aged adults in the South West. One of our ward gardens is in a bad way, the last raised bed…
The Medical Education Unit at University College Cork in Ireland is currently recruiting a research team to work on a project focused on Sustainable Healthcare Education. These posts are suitable for…
I am a 2ndyear SLT undergraduate and my choice of research project this year is Forest School and the role of the SLT. I am interested in how outdoor therapy could contribute to the sustainability…
The 2024 Lancet Countdown in Europe report was published this week.
It shows that climate change is already having an impact on the health of people living in Europe. It also shows that without…
The London Greener NHS team will be running a Greener NHS Week, from Monday 13th May 2024 to Friday 17th May 2024. The events are virtual. The Green Week is aimed for healthcare staff to gain an…
Dear Colleagues,
DHSC has published its consultation on the NHS Constitution . The NHS Constitution, last updated in 2015, has to be updated at least every 10 years by the Secretary of State for…
Are there any haematologists interested in sustainable healthcare who would like to connect up with others internationally? We've been approached by international partners looking for UK…
Plants first healthcare are calling on NHS trusts, Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) and all other healthcare organisations to adopt a ‘Plant-Based by Default’ food menu. Sign their open letter herePlants…
Dr Sarah Benn became the first doctor to be suspended for taking part in non-violent climate protests recently after the GMC referred her to the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service…