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Showing 111 - 120 of 232 results

Dental Sustainability Scholars 2017-18, a year on...

Created on
9 Sep 2018
Sara Harford
A fantastic year on since starting as ‘Sustainable Dentistry Scholars’, the time has come for Darshini and I to hang up our scholar hats! This past year we have been supported by CSH and Health…

The Role of Occupational Therapists in the NHS Forest

Created on
30 Aug 2018
Sam Eperson
Welcome to my farewell post as an OT Sustainability Volunteer! One of mymain projects recently has been writing a report looking at the role of occupational therapists within the NHS…

Exploring the role of education in sustainable occupational therapy

Created on
20 Aug 2018
Jenny Rickard
Occupational therapy, with its holistic approach to problem-solving and ability to understand complex contextual factors, is in a position to play a critical role in framing issues around…

Dental Sustainability Video

Created on
18 Jul 2018
Darshini Ramasubbu Creating a video showing how sustainability can be incorporated into dental practice was one of the projects Sara and I worked on this…

First Sustainable Dentistry Conference: How did it go?

Created on
13 Jul 2018
Sara Harford
On the 29th June 2018the UK’s first Sustainable Dentistry conference: ‘Sustainable Dentistry- innovation and future proofing’ was held in London. This exciting event was hosted byHealth Education…

Request for Information: The Green Walking Project

Created on
12 Jul 2018
Jacob Krzanowski
Dear Members of Occupational Therapy Susnet, We have received funding from the Network for Social Change to promote access to green spaces for mental health inpatients and we need your help. We…

New dental amalgam regulations - what are your views?

Created on
24 Jun 2018
Devika Vadher
From 1st July, UK law will come into effect stipulating dentists should not be placing amaglam in under 15's, deciduous teeth or pregnant/ breastfeeding women except when stictly necessary.…

Occupational Therapy Resource Map - start here!

Created on
13 Jun 2018
Niamh Mitchell
Hi everyone! The SustainableOccupational Therapy Resource Map is now live and available here…

Sign up to the CSH newsletter

Created on
6 Jun 2018
Admin *
We are going to be sending out a CSH newsletter next week.. If you did not resubscribe when we asked you to in May, you may not receive it (due to changesin linewith GDPR) make sure to sign up…