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Showing 121 - 130 of 211 results

Sustainability Series: What is the role of sustainable quality improvement?

Created on
5 Jul 2018
Admin *
As part of CSH's "Sustainability Series" we have this month published a blog on Sustainable Quality Improvement- all about how healthcaresystems can re-aligntheir definition of value in order to…

Sign up to the CSH newsletter

Created on
6 Jun 2018
Admin *
We are going to be sending out a CSH newsletter next week.. If you did not resubscribe when we asked you to in May, you may not receive it (due to changesin linewith GDPR) make sure to sign up…

Air Pollution

Created on
16 May 2018
Rosie Roberts
Hello - Im a final year medical student doing a 2 week placement with CSH. I am making a pamphlet for GPs suggesting ways in which they can help reduce their patient's exposure to air pollution. I…

How-to-Guide: Setting up a green space walking group for inpatients in mental health units

Created on
18 Apr 2018
Admin *
CSH is very pleased to announce that we received funding from the Network for Social Change (N4SC) for a project which, over the next year, will develop a How-to-Guide on setting up a green space…

BMJ blog about a sustainable NHS

Created on
11 Mar 2018
Admin *
In this blog piece for the BMJ, by Richard Smith, he celebrates progress with creating a sustainable NHS citing "one of the successes of health workers concerned with climate change has been to get…

Cycling keeps your immune system young, study finds

Created on
9 Mar 2018
Jacqueline Cutting
A recent article in The Guardian highlighted a number of studies linked to the health benefits of cycling. The full article is here and the summaries below mention the individual studies. The piece…

Come and hear Nurse Lillian Cingo Pioneer of South Africa's health train

Created on
26 Feb 2018
Mary Zacaroli
Award-winning nurseLillian Cingo, who pioneered South Africa's health train is speaking at the Long Room in the Town Hall, Oxford at around 3.30pm on Saturday, 3rd March. This is as part of Oxford…

Urban Living Partnership- end of project showcase

Created on
1 Feb 2018
Admin *
Five cities across England have worked over the last 18 months to develop groundbreaking initiatives to help cities realise a vision of healthy, prosperous and sustainable living. Work on the Urban…

Sustainability Series: Sustainable mental health guides

Created on
26 Jan 2018
Admin *
Making mental healthcare more environmentally sustainable sounds great- but how to do it? Our Sustainable Mental Health Guidesoffer ideas and interventions to support you to implement a more…