Our first Introduction course was by attended remotely by health professionals from across the UK, Australia and Canada. After a four-hour self-study module, we met in a four-hour workshop to discuss…
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
12:00 PM 1:00 PM Eastern Time (17:00-18:00 in UK)
Experts have long touted the cost and time savings associated with virtual health care, but its potential…
Friday 12th June. 1-2pm
We would to invite you to join our FREE COVID-19: Greener Practice for a healthy…
Dear friends,
Today we are launching our new Greener Practice website (www.greenerpractice.co.uk) which we hope will be a useful and user-friendly resource for general practice in taking action…
The GP profession has changed dramatically in just three weeks. GPs are seeing just seven in every 100 patients face-to-face because of the coronavirus outbreak, following a "remarkable" shift to…
Huge amount of energy and enthusiasm at SustainainabilitySchool today.Real oppourtunity to use our collective voice to work with our local RCGP faculties on these critical Planetary Health…
Want to help protect your patients from air pollution, but don't know where to start?
This Thursday morning (in London), the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change and Global Action Plan (the people…
We worked with our local formulary teams in Devon to produce this guidance on carbon footprint of inhalers and how to make choices that reduce environmental…
Useful discussion around climate implications of MDI's and what to do about it. Strongly advise a read and consider circulatingto your respiratory and…