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Showing 151 - 160 of 167 results

UK health services unprepared for climate change, warns major new health alliance

Created on
30 Mar 2016
Frances Mortimer
UK health services are currently unprepared for the risks posed by climate change, warns a major newhealth alliancelaunching today. In an unprecedented move, the heads of the UK’s leading health…

Health sector hits first target in combating climate change - SDU report

Created on
28 Jan 2016
Frances Mortimer
The health sector is over the first hurdle in the race to reach carbon reduction targets and help limit the effects of climate change. A report from the Sustainable Development Unit shows the NHS…

Breathlessness, physical activity and sustainability of healthcare - letter

Created on
3 Dec 2015
Frances Mortimer
Only just came across this letter by Nick Hopkinson and colleague to the European Respiratory Journal last January, highlighting the importance of paying attention tobreathlessness in midlife - both…

Committee on Climate Change report and SDU call for NHS feedback on overheating in wards

Created on
15 Sep 2014
Jacqueline Cutting
The Committee on Climate Change has produced a recent report entitled 'Managing climate risks to well-being and the economy' The report investigates the threats and opportunities for the country…

BMJ editorial - Inhaled drugs and global warming: time to shift to dry powder inhalers

Created on
29 May 2013
Frances Mortimer
Asatmospheric carbon dioxide levels top 400 parts per million,an editorial in this week's BMJ from Nick Hopkinson, Toby Hillman and Frances Mortimer draws attention to the impact of respiratory…

CleanMed 2013 - call for case studies

Created on
7 May 2013
Frances Mortimer
CSH is hosting this year'sCleanMed Europeconference, 17-19 September 2013. The emphasis will be on redesigning healthcare for a sustainable future (as opposed to providing the same care more…

Plans underway for a Sustainable Respiratory Inhalers Programme

Created on
4 Apr 2013
Frances Mortimer
The continued use of metered-dose inhalers (MDIs) in respiratory care will have a potentially serious effect on global warming if production is not controlled, largely because these inhalers use…

Cradle to Gate

Created on
12 Dec 2012
Rachel Stancliffe
Greenhouse Gas Accounting Sector Guidance for Pharmaceutical Products and Medical DevicesA consortium of major global companies has been working with the NHS SDU to agree standards for reporting of…

Disruption as opportunity

Created on
10 Jul 2012
Toby Hillman
David Pencheon has been quoted recently as seeing opportunity in the disruption caused by the passing of the Health and Social Care Act. With new commissioning groups forming, priorities and visions…

Article n the Guardian on pharmaceutical waste in the NHS

Created on
4 Jul 2012
Mark Rhodes
Not sure whether people have seen this article in the Guardian: Regards, Mark