As a professional deeply invested in sustainable practices within healthcare, I have become increasingly concerned about a specific issue in pediatric occupational therapy. A troubling pattern has…
Critical Care Susnet events
It's not too late to register for the Gloves Off in Critical Care webinar on 12 Dec or the next two Critical Care Susnet events (all free online, 2pm-3pm):
We are the research team of the GPNET-0 Studyfunded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) at the University of Warwick, Warwick Medical School, investigating carbon reduction…
The CSH Networks Platform will be upgraded to a new system tomorrow morning and will be out of action from 8.30am for approximately 1 hour or less. If you try to access the platform between 8.30 -…
As my 18 month contract with RCOT drew to a close I was pleased to be able to represent RCOT at the British Association of Hand Therapist's annual conference on 6-7th Oct 2023. I was able to promote…
The newUK Tree Equity Scoretool has launched. The tool is a collaboration betweenAmerican Forests, the US non-profit organisation that created Tree Equity Score, theWoodland Trustand theCentre for…
Our latest partnership with the WHO ATACH
CSH input in the form of a fantastic case study on SusQI as part of their guidance/online tool box…
Hi everyone!
I just started as a networks co-lead for the primary care group. I currently work at London & Partners and MedCity, as a Programme Manager for Life Sciences.
For my first post, I…
The Institution of Mechanical Engineers is hosting a free webinar on Mon 4 Dec afternoon with topics related to sustainable manufacturing for orthopaedics.
Registration and overview…
I am planning to change our laboratory to capillary electrophoresis from gel electrophoresis. Are any members aware of an assessment of the impact of this change on the environmental footprint? I…