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Showing 211 - 220 of 412 results

Embedding Sustainability in the Medical Academy at Gothenburg University, Sweden

Created on
14 Nov 2019
Ingeborg Steinbach
Three of the CSH team had the great pleasure to take part in the sustainable week of action at the Sahlgrenska Academy, the medical faculty of Gothenburg University last week. We kicked off the week…

Tell the GMC about your sustainable healthcare teaching!

Created on
14 Nov 2019
Frances Mortimer
This post is addressed to those working in undergraduate medical education in the UK. Medical schools are currently preparing their reports to the General Medical Council on how they plan to meet the…

Article on implementing Sustainability into Medical Curricula

Created on
9 Nov 2019
Sarah Walpole

GP trainee interested in sustainable healthcare?

Created on
6 Nov 2019
Frances Mortimer
We are increasingly being contacted by GP trainees (and educators) wishing to develop a special interest in sustainable healthcare. So Ithought it might be helpful to share these few notes about how…

Help! Template curriculum documents needed!

Created on
4 Nov 2019
Kenneth Barker
Help! It seems that UoAberdeen like our SSM in Sustainable Medicine, and are asking us now to submit to become part of the core curriculum. Good news. We are however under a bit of time/resource…

An essay competition to share with your students

Created on
15 Oct 2019
Sarah Walpole
Submit your essay on climate change to our competition The RSTMH Student Essay Competition is for full-time students studying global health as a degree or a component of a degree, based anywhere in…

A healthy dose of disruption? Transformative change for health and societal wellbeing

Created on
1 Oct 2019
Jacqueline Cutting
The Autumn issue of Eurohealth includes an article by CSH's Director, Rachel Stancliffe, on 'The Global Climate Crisis: a Public Health Emergency.' The article covers how climate crisis, the…

CSH Education Fellowship, the first few weeks…

Created on
27 Sep 2019
Stuart d'Arch Smith
As a person, and now as father, I feel like I’ve always known on some level that the relationship between humans and the environment is a fragile one. But in recent years it has become abundantly…

AMEE Conference 2020 Glasgow - Abstracts due!

Created on
23 Sep 2019
Stefi Barna
The International Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) will hold its 2020 conference in Glasgow, just before COP 26 in Glasgow. 'Introducing sustainable health care into health…

Webinar from the Association of Medical Education

Created on
23 Sep 2019
Jacqueline Cutting
The first webinar in the AMEE Autumn Webinar series will be presented byDrs SanYuMay Tun, Imperial College London,and Frances Mortimer, Centre for Sustainable Healthcare. Entitled"Approaches to…