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Showing 221 - 230 of 494 results

Climate strike, climate emergency, XR and OT

Created on
16 Sep 2019
Ben Whittaker
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare has published a new page about the current planetary health emergency: It includes links to…

Doctors call for nonviolent direct action over climate crisis

Created on
28 Jun 2019
Stefi Barna
"More than 1,000 doctors including 40 professors, several eminent public health figures and past presidents of royal colleges are calling for widespread nonviolent civil disobedience in the face of…

CAPE Climate Toolkit for Health Professionals

Created on
19 Jun 2019
Isobel Braithwaite
I'm sharing this great toolkit which has been put together by CAPE (the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment) and published…

Simon Stevens shores up public health provision; implications for Sustainable Healthcare

Created on
9 Jun 2019
Admin *
As reported in this weeks' BMJ, Simon Stevens, has said that the NHS will commission public services in areas where local authorities are allocating insufficient funding due to council spending cuts.…

NMC Future Midwife consultation response

Created on
13 May 2019
Frances Mortimer
Just to let people know,the Nursing and Midwifery Council's is developing new standards for midwifery education and practice. We responded to their'Future Midwife'consultationon behalf of the SHE…

HEART: a student-led initiative to include climate change into medical school curricula

Created on
2 May 2019
Jack Williams
HEART (Health and Environment Adaptive Task force) is an organisation established to raise awareness of, and create curricula to address, climate change in Canadian medical schools that could be of…

Climate advocacy networking

Created on
2 May 2019
Frances Mortimer
Doctors and all health professionals are highly respected. Many of us therefore feel that we should use our position to speak out and make sure that people know about the climate emergency and the…

Resolution on integrating climate and environmental health into medical education in the US

Created on
1 May 2019
Sarah Walpole
Illinois State Medical Society have accepted a resolution to integrate climate and environmental health into medical…

Anyone going to ASME 2019?

Created on
29 Apr 2019
Frances Mortimer
Hi, is anyone on SHE planning to be at the ASME conference in Glasgow in July? It would be good to link up. Best wishes, Frances

US medical student editorial on climate change in the curriculum

Created on
17 Apr 2019
Stefi Barna
"There are at least three major ways that climate change will affect the practice of medicine and for which medical education must prepare future physicians." Medical schools must prepare…