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Showing 251 - 260 of 529 results

A healthy dose of disruption? Transformative change for health and societal wellbeing

Created on
1 Oct 2019
Jacqueline Cutting
The Autumn issue of Eurohealth includes an article by CSH's Director, Rachel Stancliffe, on 'The Global Climate Crisis: a Public Health Emergency.' The article covers how climate crisis, the…

CSH Education Fellowship, the first few weeks…

Created on
27 Sep 2019
Stuart d'Arch Smith
As a person, and now as father, I feel like I’ve always known on some level that the relationship between humans and the environment is a fragile one. But in recent years it has become abundantly…

AMEE Conference 2020 Glasgow - Abstracts due!

Created on
23 Sep 2019
Stefi Barna
The International Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) will hold its 2020 conference in Glasgow, just before COP 26 in Glasgow. 'Introducing sustainable health care into health…

Webinar from the Association of Medical Education

Created on
23 Sep 2019
Jacqueline Cutting
The first webinar in the AMEE Autumn Webinar series will be presented byDrs SanYuMay Tun, Imperial College London,and Frances Mortimer, Centre for Sustainable Healthcare. Entitled"Approaches to…

Environmental costs of investigations

Created on
19 Sep 2019
Admin *
Hello Can anyone point me in the direction of a resource which provides numbers for the environmental costs of investigations such as x-rays and ultrasound scans. I'm trying to demonstrate the…

Sick note for Friday's Climate Strike

Created on
19 Sep 2019
Stefi Barna
Thanks to HCWH for this global sick note for Friday's Climate Strike with handy hyperlinks. Dear…

NICE inhaler decision aid - feedback anyone?

Created on
19 Jul 2019
Frances Mortimer
Does anyone have experience of using the NICE patient decision aid forinhalers (which includesa section on environmental impacts)?It would be really useful to know how people have found it. Has it…

Doctors call for nonviolent direct action over climate crisis

Created on
28 Jun 2019
Stefi Barna
"More than 1,000 doctors including 40 professors, several eminent public health figures and past presidents of royal colleges are calling for widespread nonviolent civil disobedience in the face of…

CAPE Climate Toolkit for Health Professionals

Created on
19 Jun 2019
Isobel Braithwaite
I'm sharing this great toolkit which has been put together by CAPE (the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment) and published…

Simon Stevens shores up public health provision; implications for Sustainable Healthcare

Created on
9 Jun 2019
Admin *
As reported in this weeks' BMJ, Simon Stevens, has said that the NHS will commission public services in areas where local authorities are allocating insufficient funding due to council spending cuts.…