It's Climate Week next week. Find out more at This is deemed Britains biggest climate change campaign; inspiring a new wave of action towards a Sustainable future. Has…
The WWF (World Wildlife Fund) has come up with 5 key tips for healthy eating which is good for the planet at Eat more…
How our day-to-day prescribing habits impact the ecosystem- more incentives to reduce unecessary prescribing; anyone know…
So, the largest part of the NHS carbon footprint is procurement- how do we as GPs make a difference to that? Here are some clues..Department of Health guidance- 'Procuring for Carbon…
Most of you will have seen this article but if not don't miss it- the online responses are well worth a read to.. particular challenge for budding GP…
Reducing antibiotic prescribing… There are lots of reasons why a particular GP may or may not give antibiotics for a cough and sometimes I feel it’s more of an art than a science. The article in…
Over 40 GP practices around the country offer an innovative service to all their patients. When they call, the receptionist will ask what the problem is and make sure their phone number is up to date.…
Dear Sustainable Primary Care network colleagues, It's that time of the year when we are all rushing around frantically buying and gathering things for the home; struggling to find presents which may…
Dear allI spoke to the Carbon Trust today offer loans to small businesses taking up greener technologies, improving building efficiency on existing…
Just wanted to do a little plug for the mooncup I sometimes mention to patients with menorrhagia. This little device means women no longer have to use and throw away…