Following a two-stage national consultation, priority learning outcomes have been agreed for the inclusion of environmental sustainability in medical education.Three priority learning outcomes for…
CleanMed Europe conference: Pathways to Sustainable Healthcare Oxford, September 17th- 19th 2013 A message from Rachel Stanfcliffe, director of the CSH: We would like to invite students and trainee…
Academic and professional health bodies have expressed concern that climate change, in its direct and indirect effects, will pose the greatest health risk of the 21st century. Yet education about the…
"Since health-based models have failed to promote physical activity to the extent necessary, we must shift the argument from the…
Sustainable Development Strategy for the Health and Care System 2014 - 2020 : ConsultationThe Sustainable Development Unit isrunning a consultation and engagement programmein order to produce a new…
CSH is hosting this year'sCleanMed Europeconference, 17-19 September 2013. The emphasis will be on redesigning healthcare for a sustainable future. Case studies are invited! (closing date 31 May) -…
My name is Amy and I am the junior doctor ‘Sustainability Fellow’ for the Severn Deanery in the UK. It is a new post this year so I have a blank slate to work with. It is a post I have taken on in…
My name is Amy and I am the junior doctor ‘Sustainability Fellow’ for the Severn Deanery in the UK. It is a new post this year so I have a blank slate to work with. It is a post I have taken on in…