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Showing 381 - 390 of 437 results

Would you like to attend a carbon workshop and/or become a sustainability champion? Read on...

Created on
8 Jul 2014
Admin *
Are you interested in how sustainability relates to your work? Those within the Oxford AHSN area (Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Milton Keynes) have access to sustainability…

Plant 2 trees @ 2 o'clock for NHS Sustainability Day

Created on
6 Mar 2014
Mary Zacaroli
NHS Sustainability Day of Action takes place on 27th March, with lots of activities taking place around the country. The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare is encouraging partners to plant 2 trees at 2…

Oxford Academic Health Sciences Network leads nationally on sustainability

Created on
12 Feb 2014
Rachel Stancliffe
Oxford Academic Health Sciences Network (AHSN) is leading the way nationally in prioritising sustainability as a cross-cutting theme. We are pleased to announce that The Centre for Sustainable…

Healthy Planet National Conference - request for help with publicity before the early bird deadline

Created on
4 Feb 2014
Isobel Braithwaite
Hi all,Below is the information about our upcoming conference; one of the organising committee has written a blog about it which she's posting soon. It would be very much appreciated if you could send…

Sustainability strategy for Royal Colleges and Deaneries

Created on
9 Oct 2013
Admin *
Sustainability fellows are working to identify a variety of potential approaches that Deaneries and Colleges could take depending on their level of commitment to sustainability. An example of an…

BMA Students' Conference Passes Climate Change Resolution

Created on
22 Aug 2013
Alice Inman
Anna Watkinson-Powell has written a great blog on the Climate and Health Council Website describing the run up to the student's passing a climate change resolution. No 1 is for the inclusion of…

Priority Learning Outcomes agreed!

Created on
19 Jul 2013
Frances Mortimer
Following a two-stage national consultation, priority learning outcomes have been agreed for the inclusion of environmental sustainability in medical education.Three priority learning outcomes for…

Students & young healthcare professionals: the healthcare of the future needs you!

Created on
19 Jun 2013
Isobel Braithwaite
CleanMed Europe conference: Pathways to Sustainable Healthcare Oxford, September 17th- 19th 2013 A message from Rachel Stanfcliffe, director of the CSH: We would like to invite students and trainee…

Preparing Medical Students to lead a Sustainable Healthcare System

Created on
11 Jun 2013
Stefi Barna
Academic and professional health bodies have expressed concern that climate change, in its direct and indirect effects, will pose the greatest health risk of the 21st century. Yet education about the…

THINK EAT SAVE - World Environment Day

Created on
5 Jun 2013
Sarah Walpole Good website with quite a few of the facts about global (under)nutrion and environment