"Since health-based models have failed to promote physical activity to the extent necessary, we must shift the argument from the…
Sustainable Development Strategy for the Health and Care System 2014 - 2020 : ConsultationThe Sustainable Development Unit isrunning a consultation and engagement programmein order to produce a new…
CSH is hosting this year'sCleanMed Europeconference, 17-19 September 2013. The emphasis will be on redesigning healthcare for a sustainable future. Case studies are invited! (closing date 31 May) -…
My name is Amy and I am the junior doctor ‘Sustainability Fellow’ for the Severn Deanery in the UK. It is a new post this year so I have a blank slate to work with. It is a post I have taken on in…
My name is Amy and I am the junior doctor ‘Sustainability Fellow’ for the Severn Deanery in the UK. It is a new post this year so I have a blank slate to work with. It is a post I have taken on in…
Congratulations to the Severn Deanery, which has been placed in the top three for Bristol Zoo’s Walk of Fame ‘Green Team’ award!Sustainability has become a major agenda for the Severn Deanery in…
The Sustainability Group from the University of Brighton School of Nursing and Midwifery hosted a symposium during the University's green week (March 2013).Click here for our website which has the…
The Sustainable Healthcare Education (SHE) Network is convening a national consultation on priority learning outcomes (PLOs) for sustainability in medical education, which has been prompted by the…
The Public Health Registrar Sustainable Development Network is comprised of a group of Public Health Registrars across the UK. We hope you read our recently launched report. The foundations of the…