You are invited to participate in a research study seeking to better understand pharmacists' and pharmacy students' knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to climate change, environmental issues,…
Some great ideas on how to start turning your ED green in this @RCEMLearning blog by RCEM Environmental Specialist Interest Group (ESIG) member Dr Helen Wilkins, reflecting on her experiences on…
For our first week of "Team Up with GreenED" we're focusing on how to set up a green group in your Emergency Department. This is so vital that it’s action #1 on the GreenED framework. It makes the…
On 10th July we started a 10 week campaign "10 week Team Up with GreenED" with the aim of helping EDs start their sustainability journey.
Each week we're selecting one action from the GreenED…
Has anyone working in pharmacy aseptics services got any examples of sustainability projects that they would be willing to share. And/or any useful resources to signpost to?
I'm thrilled to announce that GreenED is now live at
The website carries all the details of the GreenED programme and how to get involved, and a wealth of resources including the…
Highlighting the Round Our Way report "NHS Overheating" released this month which details the impact heatwaves have on hospitals and health.
And related press report here.
You can also catch up…
GreenED launches on 4th July.
To support the launch we are holding an online Q&A session on 18th July 7-8pm
This will give you the opportunity to raise any questions you may have about the…
We're really excited to announce GreenED will launch nationally on 4th July 2023
GreenED is an RCEM-led initiative to reduce the environmental impact of emergency departments. Pilot sites…
The Pharmacy Schools Council UK has officially endorsed the document initiated by Sustainability in Pharmacy Education (SPE) group last week. See attached PDF file for how environmental sustainability…