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Showing 71 - 80 of 276 results

Climate change insights, health and well-being report

Created on
2 Jun 2023
Jennifer Nixon
I recently came across this quarterly report from the Office for National Statistics, which I found interesting and I thought might be useful to others:…

Respiratory consumables - reduce waste

Created on
10 May 2023
annika shepherd
In my role as Community Childrens Physiotherapy Respiratory Physiotherapist and green champion for Community Team, there are many ways in which we can make a difference. I have a particular interest…

Respiratory consumables - reduce waste

Created on
10 May 2023
annika shepherd
In my role as Community Childrens Physiotherapy Respiratory Physiotherapist and green champion for Community Team, there are many ways in which we can make a difference. I have a particular interest…

Anti-inflammatory reliever therapy

Created on
27 Apr 2023
Alexander Wilkinson
Without much fanfare (yet), we now have a combination steroid + bronchodilator treatment licensed for use as needed in "mild" asthma. No maintenance therapy, just as needed, so it's not MART. This…

Greener AHP week

Created on
17 Apr 2023
Pete Vesey
As I write, the launch event of Greener AHP Week is live! Suzanne Rastrick the Chief Allied Health Professions Officer for England (CAHPO), kicked off by highlighting how AHPs have led the way in…

Useful Resource - Podcast on Sustainable Respiratory Care (and more!)

Created on
6 Apr 2023
Jennifer Nixon
Each month I'm going to be posting something I've found useful as I learn about sustainable healthcare. This month it's the Climate Clinic podcast - a great resource from the Global Consortium on…

Net Zero Mental Health Care

Created on
5 Apr 2023
Rachael Ward
Net Zero Mental Health Care Call for Evidence – Deadline extension The deadline to submit evidence to the Royal College of Psychiatrist’s Net Zero Mental Health Care project has been extended to…

Respiratory Care SusNet relaunch

Created on
30 Mar 2023
Laura-Jane Smith
The Respiratory community is committed to delivering the best healthcare for our patients today and in the future. We have some significant challenges to overcome to achieve this: greenhouse gases in…

A reading suggestion

Created on
27 Mar 2023
Ka Yan Hess
A reading suggestion... I was at a talk titled 'linking planetary and human health' by Prof Tony Capon, hosted by Trinity college Dublin last week. Prof. Capon raised an interesting point about…

Orthotics options

Created on
16 Mar 2023
Frances Balmer
Posting on behalf of a colleague from our hand therapy team looking at more sustainable options for plastic moulded orthotics for patients. The 3 alternatives they have identified as potentially…