Fantastic news! FMC (a major dental communications company) have introduced an Eco-Dental Practice Award to to help bring awarness around sustainable dentistry. It's going to be launched later this…
In view of the significant contribution Inhalers make to the NHS carbon footprint, CSH have developed a new course focused on Sustainable Respiratory Care. I wonder if you would be interested in…
The Sustainable Dentistry Course by CENTREforSUSTAINABLE HEALTHCARE is a must-do for all dental healthcare professionals.
The educational material is comprehensive, current and relevant to…
The Canadian Federation of Medical Students Health and Environment Adaptive Reponse Task Force recently released this report:
CFMS HEART: National Report on Planetary Health Education…
Here’s a very short but useful article about oxygen waste from turning the flow all the way up to the top (past 15 l/min) which is commonly done:
Arora, N. et al. 2021. Delivery of oxygen by…
Hi all, I work in the sustainability team for my Trust and I'm collaborating with our libraries to curate a sustainable healthcare reading list for them to promote in the coming months on the run up…
The GREEN-ICU research study is seeking views on environmental sustainability from people working in intensive care.
This includes anyone connected to intensive care through clinical practice,…
Hi all. I'm an emergency Physician in New Zealand.
I'm starting to put together a sabbatical focussed on the carbon impact of wasteful/avoidable care in the acute care setting. I'm hoping to be…
Now, more than ever, is the time we need to introduce reusable surgical masks.
Over the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an exponential increase in the use of masks worldwide, which has been met…