Our first Introduction course was by attended remotely by health professionals from across the UK, Australia and Canada. After a four-hour self-study module, we met in a four-hour workshop to discuss…
This week saw the publication of a special edition of the WFOT Bulletin, with articlesabout the incorporation ofsustainability into occupational therapy practice, scholarship and education. This…
I’m sure that Coronavirus is on everyones minds at the moment. So for this post I wanted to pool some resources that I found interesting/useful about Coronavirus,Climate Change & OT. I've put them…
I'd like to speak with UK occupational therapists that have been involved in adaptations topeople's homes post flooding.
I've foundarticles about flooding in…
If you are a dentist in the London area you may have noticed a recent focus on Dental Sustainability in our recent news letters from the LDC Confederation.
From our first article as attached to…
On my last post I proposed a New Years sustainable OT goal - to read through the WFOT (2018) Sustainability matters: Guiding Principles for Sustainability in Occupational Therapy Practice, Education…
Following on from Ben Whittakers post, it is great news that the Royal College of Occupational Therapists (RCOT) have included the WFOT 5 Guiding Principles for Sustainable Occupational Therapy…