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Showing 91 - 100 of 102 results

Zero Carbon Britain: Rising to the Climate Emergency

Created on
17 Mar 2022
Kerry Atchison
The climate crisis is a health crisis. The Special Report on Health and Climate change for COP24 called climate change “the greatest health challenge of the 21st century”,directly threatening the…

Support the Music Therapy Susnet with its social media?

Created on
7 Feb 2022
Loïse Conod
Hi everyone, Would you like to support the Music Therapy Susnet with its socialmedia? If so, please read on… Music Therapy Susnet is trying to develop its social mediapresence, but this is…

Air pollution and wood burning

Created on
3 Feb 2022
Loïse Conod
As musictherapist we work with persons having in/outbreath diffuculties. We know well how air pollution influence the repitatory capacity. As the breath is the first activity we need to be alive, we…

Sustainability Survey for AHP students

Created on
28 Jan 2022
Jim Davey-Hewins
Calling all students! I'm sharing a post from the AHP Susnet asking for students to take part in a15 mins survey studyabout your views, experiences and attitude about environmentalsustainabilityas…

Searching with Ecosia

Created on
25 Jan 2022
Kerry Atchison
As we kick off the new year, here is a small, practical action that we music therapists can take to help the environment: Think about the search engines we use while at work - and consider choosing…

PPE and Sustainability

Created on
8 Dec 2021
Jim Davey-Hewins
I'm sure we've all become very used to using PPE during our clinical work, and perhaps have been worrying about its impact on the environment. Fortunately Sustainable Healthcare have published some…

Climate Emergency Declarations

Created on
19 Nov 2021
Jim Davey-Hewins
Happy Friday everyone and welcome to all our latest members! Are you wondering what positive changes you can make at work? Well one effective action would be to encourage your place of work to make…

Global Day of Action for Climate Justice

Created on
29 Oct 2021
Jim Davey-Hewins
Join other health workers on the streets during the COP26 climate talks! On Saturday 6th November, healthcare professionals and students all over the UK will be marching as part of the Global Day…

Net zero healthcare: a call for clinical action

Created on
22 Oct 2021
Jim Davey-Hewins
Hello everyone and a warm welcome to our latest members! We really hopethisnetwork can become a hub for thesharing of resources and discussionaroundmusic therapy becoming a net zero…

Climate change and social inequalities

Created on
7 Oct 2021
Kerry Atchison
Hello, and if you’ve just joined Music Susnet, welcome to the group! We will try and keep this page regularly updated with posts that are helpful and relevant to those in the music therapy profession…